A Proven Executive Recruitment Process.
If there’s one thing more than 30 cumulative years’ experience in executive search has taught us, it’s the importance of a tried, tested, and proven process for bringing talent to the table. While process may not matter to some, we know that when we follow our process, we are successful. And that matters to everyone involved.
Pathways’ approach identifies talented candidates with the skills and qualifications our clients are looking for, but who might otherwise be overlooked in traditional recruitment processes. The Pathways executive recruitment process can take about 10-15 weeks, from engaging us for the search to welcoming a successful candidate into the client organization. At every step of the way, open and honest communication is key.

Kicking off the Search
Time for signing agreements, preparing, and receiving search-relevant documents, and meeting with Selection Committees.

A thoughtful and considered first step includes consultation with key internal and external individuals and interest groups to determine candidate specifications before Pathways creates a detailed Opportunity Profile. Understanding organizational and community values is fundamental to setting us on the right path.

Identifying Candidates
This step includes research, consulting with community knowledge keepers and industry experts, mining Pathways’ candidate database and referral networks, reaching out to potential candidates, and pre-screening individuals to create a strong pool of potential candidates. We report these initial findings to the client.

Evaluating Candidates
In addition to ongoing sourcing and screening, this step focuses on candidate self-assessments and interviews with the Pathways team. This step also includes working with selection committees and candidates to prepare for final selection interviews.

Selecting the Final Candidate
Pathways supports both clients and finalists through interviews, conducting reference calls and background checks, and administering behavioural assessments. Pathways may also assist with offers of employment.

Finalizing the Search
This step focuses on supporting successful candidates and their new organizations through the onboarding transition, and includes providing relocation support, when necessary, as well as providing feedback to unsuccessful candidates.
We want to be part of your journey!
Let’s start a conversation to learn more about what you need, and how we can help.