Recruiting Indigenous Leaders Across Canada and Beyond.

Indigenous recruitment

Executive Search

Guided by Indigenous Values

Most things in life don’t run in a straight line, including work and careers. Pathways Executive Search is a national Indigenous recruitment firm, uniquely qualified to support the attraction, evaluation, hiring, and onboarding of individuals for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous clients.

Why Pathways Executive Search?

Every day, we navigate many paths, helping remove barriers and challenges organizations and individuals face, whether looking for talent or employment. The routes we’re on may be different, but all have a similar destination: a place where talented people are paired with respectful, inclusive work environments.

Indigenous recruitment

One of our colleagues uses a word in her traditional Secwépemc language that reflects the rich and nuanced spirit of reciprocity: knucwentwécw-kt. In English, it means “we help one another.” This is what we do at Pathways, making Indigenous recruitment and career journeys less difficult and acting as trusted advisors and champions on the path to reconciliation and inclusion.

Indigenous recruitment

Who We Work With

Corporate Clients

We walk with those looking to find qualified candidates and live out their organizations’ commitments to reconciliation and inclusion.

Indigenous Communities and Organizations

We support First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities and organizations in culturally appropriate ways, on their search for experienced and competent candidates to meet their specific needs and requirements.


We travel alongside those looking for growth, change, and opportunities to share their skills and gifts in positions and organizations where they will thrive.

Indigenous Values in Our Work

Knucwentwécw-kt – we help one another – is embedded into the work we do at Pathways, creating purpose and meaning as we support, advocate, and make space for Indigenous peoples. And, like a ripple, it spreads.

– Katy Gottfriedson-Jasper

The teachings and traditional values that drive me professionally include self-determination, diversity, and reciprocity… these values have shown up in every leadership role I’ve ever had, from running a non-profit that was built on dozens of partnerships to forging a path for Indigenous peoples to work in the mining and energy sectors in highly skilled careers.

– Laurie Sterritt

What I do in life, personally and professionally, requires that I consider seven generations ahead. This long-view perspective ensures that I do my part to leave the world in the same, or a better place, than exists today. It also means I place the values of integrity, sharing, caring, love and reciprocity at the forefront.

– Darrin Jamieson

The traditional value of Gwekwaadziwin, or Honesty, is what guides me in all aspects of my life, encouraging me to face every situation with truth, kindness and compassion.

– Jennifer Pelletier

To practice knucwentwécw-kt for me means fostering and supporting the gifts and strengths of others; bringing kindness and love to all situations; and taking actions that bring positive change where I can.

– Katy Gottfriedson-Jasper

The traditional value of DbadendiziwinHumility – guides me in all I do, helping me never to look at myself as better than anyone else. I am committed to a life of reconciliation: advocating and making space for Indigenous peoples.

– Wenda Lee Cameron

Haudenosaunee values are rooted in sharing, and always putting the needs of the collective over my own. What we do in the present requires that we respect the past in putting our best foot forward now, for all to prosper in the future.

– Darrin Jamieson

News and Opportunities
NGC – Chief Operating Officer

NGC – Chief Operating Officer

The Nisg̱a’a Growth Corporation (NGC) is wholly owned by the Nisg̱a’a Nation as sole Shareholder. The mandate of the NGC is to develop a profitable organization that generates economic benefit in alignment with the laws and practices of Ayuukhl Nisg̱a’a and in the spirit of Saytk’ilhl Wo’osim, or “Common Bowl”.

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Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Education – Salish Weave Chair

Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Education – Salish Weave Chair

This position was created in cooperation between the Smyths and the Faculty of Education with the aim of supporting the resurgence, and ongoing thriving, of Salish arts (such as performances, installations, exhibits and a variety of writing genres such as poetry, novel, creative nonfiction, memoir, and/or other forms that further and promote our understanding of arts scholarship) through education and the enactment of Indigenous arts as knowledge practices.

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Vancouver Coastal Health – Vice President, Indigenous Health

Vancouver Coastal Health – Vice President, Indigenous Health

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is a vital hub of healthcare innovation, research and academic excellence in British Columbia contributing to the local, national and global healthcare
ecosystem while providing specialized care to patients in its region and throughout the province.

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Indigenous recruitment

Executive Recruitment

Indigenous recruitment
Board Search
Indigenous recruitment

Community Engagement and Consulting

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