Wenda Lee Cameron has a reputation for keeping people and projects on track! In her role as Pathways’ Project Manager, she is laser-focused on ensuring the team is set up to succeed, meet deadlines, and exceed client expectations.
Mike Eagar, one of Pathways’ three partners, comments, “Wenda Lee’s organization skills, combined with her deep long-standing understanding of the business and its needs, are big assets on the team. She is on top of all deliverables—and all of us—to make sure we deliver on client commitments.”
Darrin Jamieson, another partner, continues, “Process is critical to our business model, and she is the hub.”
“Organizing comes naturally to me,” Wenda Lee explains. “I love making lists and checking things off them! We aren’t all good at everything and I love helping others organize themselves so that they can focus on what they do best.”
Wenda Lee is calm, thoughtful, and leads with kindness and certainty. She describes being raised to walk through every door that opened for her, even when unsure of what was in store next. Her willingness to take advantage of every opportunity she’s been given is advice she takes to heart, personally and professionally.
After beginning her career working with members of the Pathways team in a part-time administrative role, last year, Wenda Lee became a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).
“I struggled in school as a kid and have always been more hands-on than academic. But there was an open door and Laurie – our Managing Partner – helped me believe in myself enough to enroll in a PMP program. Sure, there were times when I wanted to quit, but I kept going, and ended up passing ‘above target’ on all three performance domains!”
Not long after receiving her PMP designation, Wenda Lee faced what was one of her most significant challenges to date. Having been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2011, a relapse in 2023 necessitated the decision to take a six-month medical leave from work. Difficult as it was, Wenda Lee chose to look at it as another door through which to walk.
“Until that moment, I had defined myself by many titles: wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, singer, baker, coworker, project manager. Sometimes I’ve even defined myself by my MS diagnosis. But as I lay in bed, unable to do anything associated with these roles, I started to think about where my value really comes from. And my greatest challenge turned into my greatest awakening.”
In that moment, Wenda Lee recognized she had been living under the false belief that her value came from what she did, rather than who she is. She also describes how six months of doing barely anything, including work, taught her so much grace – for herself and others.
“Every one of us has value, and that’s a belief that’s at the core of what Pathways is and does,” she continues. “I am happy to be back at work again, and in a workplace that feels so aligned for me. We get to walk alongside others as they discover their own paths forward in being and doing!”
“Wenda Lee’s deeply held values act as a compass and she never waivers from her true north,” says Laurie Sterritt, Pathways’ Managing Partner. “She is the heart of our team, and truly does bring us all together in the spirit of family.”
When she’s not with her work family, Wenda Lee enjoys spending time with her husband, kids, huge extended family, and friends. She describes music and laughter as her life’s soundtrack – one that now includes frequent solos from her 10-year-old son who’s recently discovered a love for the recorder. Wenda Lee also runs a thriving kombucha enterprise in her spare time. However, the product is in high-demand and short-supply, so please don’t email us about where it’s available for purchase!
Thanks for keeping us all on the right path, Wenda Lee!
May is MS Awareness Month. Learn more at https://mscanada.ca/msawarenessmonth#educate